TITLE DVD - How To Hit The Heavy bag Review

TITLE DVD - How To Hit The Heavy bagOk, I wanted to get in shape.But didn't want to run treadmill on my off days because it bores me to death.I was doing reviews on line and it said you could get a total body workout with just a jump rope & a heavy bag.So I thought, hey what the heck.I did some reviews and ended up buying a 100 lb heavy bag some gloves and a jump rope and was ready to rock.Wrong....I had Horrible form, didn't know what I was doing and was winded after beating the bag up (Ok the bag was beating me up)And I sprained one of my my wrist because of improper punching.

Did some more reviews, and found out I needed wrist wraps on my hands under my gloves.Than after going to some random boxing forums found out their actually is a method to the madness, and that you have to learn proper form and punching technique.Searched around for heavy bag drills and came across this DVD.Ordered it and wa-la got it in about 4 days.
Popped it in and wow, I was amazed at how many things I was doing wrong.
This DVD is great for someone just learning boxing from scratch that would like to get a good workout by hitting a heavy bag.Now it is also one of the lowest budget boring DVD's you have ever sat eyes on.That said, it still gives you exactly what you need.You honestly only need to watch this dvd 2-3 times and you will pick up the technique.
So my advice is get an instructor for a couple of weeks to teach you the basics.If you can't afford an instructor, this is the next best thing.

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Product Description:
The Heavy Bag is one of the oldest, time-honored staples in the sport of boxing. It has been around since the days of the bare-fisted warriors of past centuries. It is also one of the most misused and under utilized pieces of training equipment in the gym. Noted former professional boxer, referee, trainer and promoter Danny Campbell shows the inside secrets from the pros to mastering the heavy bag. There is so much more than simply throwing punches and waling away at a hanging heavy bag. In this segment you will learn how to successfully work the bag in these areas:

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