TITLE DVD - Achieve Speed and Power In Boxing Review

TITLE DVD - Achieve Speed and Power In BoxingI like this DVD because the exercise routine shown in the video is accurate. I like the drills and they really build up speed and stamina. I haven't watched the whole video yet, so i'm not sure about the part relating to power building. As far as speed is concerned the drills in the video are efficient.

Now not all Title Video are good so be warn, i got lucky with this one and i'm glad it ended up to be money well spent.

Can't go wrong having this DVD in your library.

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Product Description:
The old saying that you can't coach speed is going by the wayside. New technology and training habits have shown that you can now increase your overall speed and power. There are specific drills and exercises you can work on to increase your speed and power. 3-time world champion and top professional trainer Jeff Fenech shows you the secrets of the pros for developing and increasing these two pivotal areas. Fenech demonstrates drills and techniques that his stable of world champions does to increase hand and foot speed, punching power and more. In closely contested matches, the fighter with the superior speed usually comes out on top. With increased speed and punching power you will dominate more opponents and control the action. Speed kills! Learn to lead with speedafollow with power!

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