Adjustable Speed Bag Platform by ProForce Review

Adjustable Speed Bag Platform by ProForceBought this cause it enables you to use "u bolts" to mount on pole but am dissappointed in the lack of engineering for that purpose as to be stable whilst taking a pounding. Plus it has a flange on the end of the horizontal rail that there is no apparent function. It appears that this is made from spare parts of some other monstrocity like the strecher that they STUPIDLY sent me first that I had to deal with returning all 50 lbs of. Also, the cheap particle board "backboard will never be adequate and have to be backedup with 3/4 plywood at least. What a joke. I debated sending it back too but, decided I would beef it up as mentioned because it came down to the mounting means verses price; I MEAN 80 BUCKS IS A LOT TO SPEND ON A COUPLE OF MOUNTING BRACKETS that I could also have just as well fabricated. Anyway, Ido not recommend peddlers and/or "drop shippers of gym equiptment or, anything for that matter where the customer service flunky gets arrogant and, unapoligetic about the shipper's incompetance.And, behaves rudly dodging blame by reassigning mistake and is somehow the buyer's because the chowder headed customer service dude does not identify his outgoing email therefore getting lost with regards whos who..

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Adjustable Speed Bag Platform by ProForce

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