TITLE Desk Top Speed Bag Review

TITLE Desk Top Speed BagThis toy is more than a novelty.It is solidly constructed and stands up to the abuse of the stress relief it is used for.The suction cup does not hold it well if you are truly wailing on it, but this is easily remedied by duct taping it down.

The product description was a bit sparse, so here is some more information.The bag itself is inflatable, so you can adjust it to be as stiff as desired.Do not worry about a pump, because a hand pump is included in the box.The bag material is thick and will not be punctured easily, but you likely shouldn't wear rings while using it.The spring is not excessively stiff, so you do not have to give it a full force punch to get a response.That being said, it is stiff enough that you have to hit it with a satisfying amount of force.

Overall, I was wonderfully surprised at the quality of this product.I highly recommend it.

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Product Description:
The perfect stress reliever and office accessory for the boxer or boxing fan.

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